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Giving Back:  helping others with LOVE

Camp To Belong

Camp To Belong (CTB) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to reuniting brothers and sisters who have become separated in foster care through a week of camp in the summer and other events throughout the year.

At Camp To Belong we believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to spend meaningful time with their brothers and sisters and we are dedicated to helping make that happen for kids living in foster care.  Many of us take for granted the opportunity to share meals, play games and say goodnight to our siblings each day. The kids we serve at Camp To Belong cherish these small moments that they do not always have.  These moments are what Camp To Belong works to create, so kids living in foster care are able to have positive childhood memories.    

At Camp To Belong we also believe that every kid deserves a special place where they finally feel like they fit in and aren’t judged for being in foster care.  We provide kids living in foster care a chance to escape the chaos of their ever-changing worlds and come to a place where they are no different from everyone else, they belong and they can just be kids.

Los Angeles No Kill Shelter 

Aminals are people's best friends. I know because I have adopted two animals and fostered several in my home. They offer companionship and like you and me, they need love. PLEASE ADOPT! 

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